Unplugging for Peace

December 13, 2023

Khloe is a 15-year-old international philanthropist. She recognized a common challenge faced by youth was connecting their passion with a sustainable purpose. At the age of 8 she started her own global non-profit organization called Khloe Kares, which helps young people discover and realize their passions, she supports women experiencing homelessness and installs water pumps and bathroom facilities in Ghana in schools that don’t have access to clean water. The Khloe Kares Leadership Workshop trains youth in leadership, business planning, and public speaking
skills. Khloe’s mission is to show students how to both set goals and achieve them. She’s traveled all over the country telling her story of how philanthropy has changed her life.

This story took place in USA

Pledge to Take Action

With all that’s going on in the world, how do young people cope with the world’s issues (global warming, war, elections, climate change, high costs of living, stress in school, etc.)? Where do we go for calmness and peace? 

I recently started taking social media breaks. Being disconnected from the internet has helped me stay focused and keep the negative energy out of my life. Everyday we are constantly flooded with images and videos of the world and its many problems, and I’m always looking for a way to fix them. I wonder if any other young people are just like me. I want to change the world. I want to see a peaceful place that we all can co-exist in, where all of our differences are accepted and we are free to celebrate the things we want to celebrate.

My social media breaks started with taking an hour out of my day to not log into anything.  During this time, I reached out to friends I had lost touch with, rekindling connections that had faded. Engaging in real conversations proved refreshing and meaningful. Reconnecting with friends or just talking about anything other than world issues is a great way to disconnect. I feel when I spend time with friends I feel like I can share anything and just be myself. 

I also started to pick up books and read. Reading is the easiest way to get lost in another world. Using my imagination to explore what my mind can come up with by just putting words together has proven to be a powerful way to fill my time.I have also invested time in passion projects that I used to no longer have time for, while also working on projects that I have always wanted to start. Setting aside dedicated time to focus on activities that matter to me has helped keep me focused on the things I can control in my life. While the challenges of the world persist, I’ve learned to avoid becoming consumed by external forces. Instead, I concentrate on what I can influence and make a positive impact on.

Try to focus on things that make you feel good. We all see what’s going on in the world, so try to focus on things that bring you joy and peace. 

Pledge to Take Action