Building Bridges of Inclusion: A Journey of Kindness + Advocacy

July 19, 2024
My name is Samreen and I am an advocate of equality from Ontario, Canada. I find inspiration in acts of kindness and believe that our society thrives on compassion. I strive to promote positivity and empathy in all aspects of life. With a commitment to making a difference, I aspire to spread love and kindness wherever I go.
This story took place in Canada

Pledge to Take Action

Throughout my journey from the tender age of eight when my little sister and I extended a hand of friendship to a fellow playground-goer with a physical disability, to my current pursuits in advocating for inclusivity and accessibility in our community, one thing has remained clear – kindness knows no bounds. As a tenth-grade student, I am constantly inspired by the power of empathy and compassion, and I firmly believe that by coming together as young people, we possess the ability to create a truly kinder and braver world for all.

The pivotal moment that set my advocacy journey in motion occurred when my sister and I visited a local park back in the third grade. It was a sunny afternoon, the kind that makes you itch to run around and explore every nook and cranny of the playground. As we raced towards the swings, my sister caught sight of a girl sitting alone with a forlorn expression on her face. Unlike the other children whose laughter filled the air, this girl was perched on a bench, eyes wistfully scanning the colorful jungle gym. It didn’t take long for us to notice that she had a physical disability, one that restricted her from partaking in traditional playground activities like climbing, swinging, or sliding. 

Without a second thought, my sister and I exchanged glances and decided to approach her. We introduced ourselves and extended an invitation to play together. The initial hesitation in her eyes melted away, replaced by a hesitant smile that soon grew into pure joy as we began building intricate sand castles and sharing stories under the warm sun. Our new friend, whose name was Emily, was immensely grateful for our company, and her radiant spirit filled the park with a sense of camaraderie and unity that transcended our physical differences.

The encounter with Emily lingered in my heart long after we bid her farewell that day. Seeing the world through her eyes opened my own to the countless barriers and challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in their everyday lives. It ignited a fire within me, a determination to make a difference and ensure that everyone, without exception, could enjoy the simple pleasure of playing freely and without hindrance. Fast forward to the present, and that spark has evolved into a full-fledged mission to advocate for the rights and inclusion of individuals with physical disabilities in my community.

One of the most tangible ways I am working towards this goal is by championing the installation of a wheelchair swing at the very park where Emily and I first crossed paths. The simple act of swinging back and forth may seem trivial to some, but for individuals with physical disabilities, it can represent a profound sense of freedom, joy, and belonging. By spearheading this initiative, I aim to not only provide a practical solution for those facing mobility challenges but also to send a powerful message to our community – that inclusivity is not just a buzzword but a fundamental principle that should guide our actions and decisions.

My advocacy journey has not been without its challenges. From navigating bureaucratic processes and fundraising efforts to facing skepticism and indifference from some quarters, there have been moments of doubt and frustration. However, it is in those moments that I remind myself of Emily’s infectious smile, of the sheer happiness that radiated from her when she was finally able to join in the playground fun. That memory fuels my determination and inspires me to press on, to keep pushing for a kinder, more inclusive world where every individual, regardless of their physical abilities, is embraced, valued, and empowered.

As I stand on the cusp of adulthood, I look to my peers and fellow young changemakers with hope and optimism. We are the architects of tomorrow, the trailblazers of a future that we have the power to shape and mold. Together, let us continue to amplify the voices of those who are marginalized, to challenge the status quo, and to create spaces where kindness, empathy, and bravery reign supreme. Let us be the generation that paves the way for a world where differences are celebrated, where barriers are torn down, and where every individual feels seen, heard, and included. In doing so, we not only honor the legacy of those who have fought for equality and justice before us, but we also lay the foundation for a brighter, more compassionate tomorrow.

Pledge to Take Action