#1MillionLetters: Your Words Can Save the Rainforest!

October 07, 2021

Mauricio C. (he/him/his) is from Uruguay and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in law. He believes providing skills to a community is the way to build a kinder and braver world. Mauricio is passionate about learning new things in all areas of knowledge.

Pledge to Take Action

When I was introduced to this cool initiative thanks to YOUNGA Forum 2021—a conference for young leaders from around the world that I am a proud member of—I knew I had to share it with the kindest online audience there is: Channel Kindness

Following #BeKind21’s messages  “Kindness is…donating what/if you can” + “Kindness is.. free,” I’m happy to tell you about Reserva’s “1 Million Letters” campaign.

Sometimes we want to help and don’t know how, or we think that the only way to help a cause is by donating money. That is not the case for this campaign! With Reserva’s “1 Million Letters” campaign, you can help save a rainforest by sharing just your words! If you send a letter or a drawing to Reserva: The Youth Land Trust, they will donate three dollars towards protecting rainforests throughout the world, helping to save an area the size of an average classroom! In return, you will also receive a certificate after sending your letter or drawing.

Right now, all the letters and drawings will help protect the Ecuadorian Chocó rainforest in Ecuador. If the funding goal for the Ecuadorian Chocó is reached by the time you send your letter or drawing, the donation by the Youth Trust Land will go to the next rainforest!

To participate, you just need to write a letter on why you love nature and why it should be protected. From there, Reserva plans to bring the letters to as many conventions so leaders around the world can read them and be inspired to take action in protecting our planet. Further, Reserva is also planning to create a public map with the letters and drawings that will be searchable by country (don’t worry, it’s anonymous!).

Writing an open letter on why I love nature and why we need to protect it was my #BeKind21 17th day challenge. Even though #BeKind21 will have ended by the time you’re reading this, we need to keep the kindness going on! So, I encourage you to write a letter or make a drawing with a friend, with a sibling, or with your children! It will not only be a fun time for you and your loved ones but it will also make a change in our world.

You can send your letter through email, their website, or to their PO box! You can click here to find more information! You can also follow Reserva (@reservaylt) on Instagram to find more about all the good you’ll be doing with your kind words.


Pledge to Take Action